Nimmadhi Honors the Supercop of Chennai -Mr.Kumar Head Constable

Nimmadhi Honors the Supercop of Chennai (Mr.Kumar Head Constable Sholinganallur) Nimmadhi Honors Mr.Kumar Head Constable Nimmadhi is proud to honor Mr. Kumar, the traffic Supercop of Chennai for his 20 years of commendable services. Mr. Kumar has been one among those dedicated Traffic Officer who not only perform his duties 24X7 but also ensures safety to many lives while monitoring traffic and educate road users. Mr. Kumar is also entrusted to direct and divert traffic assists the drivers in getting their vehicles to the side of the road, takes reports of the incident, ensures that tow trucks are on their way, and in this case, with all of this broken glass, also closes down part of the road and directs traffic until a cleanup crew arrives. Ensuring safety of lives is not an easy job. Where alertness is important, dedication to manage every object of traffic is equally a requirement. With the increasing number of vehicles in the co...